
Leading legal and media witnesses confirmed by Justice Committee


Television cameras and tweeting jury decisions from the court room will come under the spotlight as leading figures in the Scottish legal and media worlds were confirmed to appear at a one-off evidence session of the Justice Committee on Tuesday 2 October

Carers Parliament comes to Holyrood


The first Carers Parliament will be held at the Scottish Parliament on Monday 1 October. The day will bring together over 180 carers from every constituency in Scotland.

Judy Murray and Liz McColgan give evidence to inquiry on community sport


Tennis coach Judy Murray and former Olympic athlete Liz McColgan MBE today gave evidence to the Scottish Parliament's Health and Sport Committee as part of their Inquiry into Support for Community Sport.

Committee members visit sports hub in Cumbernauld


Community sport facilities in Cumbernauld were today showcased to MSPs from the Health and Sport Committee, as part of their inquiry into grassroots sport.

Committee appalled by repeated failures on treatment of Gypsy/travellers


Repeated failures on access to health and social care for the Gypsy/Traveller community in Scotland have been strongly criticised by the Equal Opportunities Committee which described itself as appalled and horrified

Comataidh ri fianais a thogail air rotharachd is coiseachd


How cycling and walking is supported by the Scottish Government budget will be the focus of a Scottish Parliament Committee meeting this week (Wednesday 26 September).

Rannsachadh eòlas-cridhe a' faighinn fianais gu bheil dùil ri droch-shlàinte ann an àiteachan nach eil cho beartach agus ann an coimhearsnachdan eitnigeach, agus ag iarraidh sgrùdadh air an àireimh de Dhotairean Teaghlach


A parliamentary inquiry into cardiology services has found people living in deprived areas and in Scotland’s ethnic communities expect poor health.

MSPs to see ‘unrivalled’ sports facilities in Aberdeen


Community sport facilities that have been described as ‘unrivalled’ will be showcased to MSPs from the Health and Sport Committee, as part of their inquiry into grassroots sport.

Finance Committee to hold employment workshops across Scotland


Workshops on how to improve the employment opportunities for those furthest from the job market will take place with Finance Committee members in Ardrossan, Dumfries and Dundee on 28 September.

Community sport inquiry witnesses announced


The final set of witnesses that will give evidence to the Health and Sport Committee’s inquiry into community sport at the grass roots level, will include tennis coach Judy Murray and former Olympic medallist Liz McColgan.

Committee takes evidence on access to new medicines


On Tuesday, the Health and Sport Committee took evidence on access to newly licensed medicines.

BPAan air turas lorg-fiosrachaidh a dhèanamh gu pròiseact ath-bheothachaidh


Thadhail Buill Chomataidh Riaghaltas Ionadail is Ath-bheothachadh an-diugh air Stèisean Dail Mheàrnaig rè turas lorg-fiosrachaidh gu pròiseact ath-bheothachaidh a’ Gheata Chluaidh.

Comataidh a’ cumail cuirm Europa Alba


Thug an Neach-gairm Cairistìona NicShealbhaigh seachad òraid do dh’aoighean aig cuirm Europa Chomataidh Eòrpach is Dàimhean Taobh a-muigh, a chaidh a chumail ann an Lobaidh a’ Ghàrraidh feasgar Diardaoin.

BCPA a' cur aonta ri togail ionad-tèarainteachd taobh-a-muigh Taigh an Ròid


Chaidh ainmeachadh gun tèid ionad-tèarainteachd taobh-a-muigh ùr a thogail aig Taigh an Ròid an dèidh comhairle fhaotainn air tèarainteachd a tha "soilleir seasmhach".

Ro-innleachd turasachd ‘bliadhnaichean buadhach’ gu bhith ga sgrùdadh


The contribution of major initiatives to boosting tourism in Scotland, including the film Brave, Homecoming 2014, the Ryder Cup and Glasgow 2014 will be probed by the Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee next week.

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