
New Year Message from the Presiding Officer


A New Year's message from Presiding Officer Tricia Marwick MSP reflecting on the events of 2011 and looking forward to the parliamentary year to come.

Presiding Officer’s Christmas Message


Presiding Officer Tricia Marwick MSP's Christmas greetings on behalf of Members and staff of the Scottish Parliament.

Comataidh ri Leasachadh air Seirbheisean Poblach a rannsachadh


Thèid leasachadh air seirbheisean poblach a sgrùdadh le Comataidh Riaghaltais Ionadail is Ùrachadh Pàrlamaid na h-Alba.

Bu chòir Seòmar na Pàrlamaid coinneachadh trì tursan san t-seachdain a rèir Comataidh


Chaidh ceuman gus tràthalachd is mar a bheir Pàrlamaid na h-Alba freagairt air tachartasan a chur air adhart an-diugh le comataidh aig Taigh an Ròid.

Broad welcome for Gaelic plan but greater focus required


The Education and Culture Committee has broadly welcomed a wide-ranging plan to promote Gaelic but has concerns about its overall strategy and priorities.

Scotland Bill “missed opportunity and not yet fit for purpose” says Holyrood Committee


The UK Parliament’s Scotland Bill, as it currently stands, is a “missed opportunity” and is “not yet fit for purpose”, according to a report published today by Holyrood’s Scotland Bill Committee.

Comataidh an Ionmhais ag iarraidh soilleireachadh mun bhuidseat


Tha aithisg le Comataidh an Ionmhais air an Ath-bhreithneachadh air Caiteachas na h-Alba 2011 agus Dreachd Buidseit 2012-13 air fàilte a chur air a’ chuideam a chuir Riaghaltas na h-Alba air cosg casgach agus am maoineachadh de £500M airson trì maoinean ù

Tachartas airson Mìos Eachdraidh LGBT air a chur dheth


Bu mhath le Òigridh LGBT na h-Alba agus Linda Fabiani BPA innse do na daoine uile a fhuair cuireadh gu bheil tachartas Mìos Eachdraidh LGBT ann an Lobaidh a' Ghàraidh air a chur dheth mar thoradh air rabhaidhean droch-thìde.

Welfare reform plans get partial support


Partial support was given to the legislative consent memorandum on the Welfare Reform Bill (UK Parliament) today in a report published by the Health and Sport Committee.

Tachartas aig Ionad Lagha nan Cloinne air a chur dheth


Bu mhath le Ionad Lagha Cloinne na h-Alba agus Kezia Dugdale BPA innse don a h-uile duine a fhuair cuireadh don tachartas aig Lagha Cloinne na h-Alba ann an Seòmar Comataidh 1 a-nochd a chur dheth mar thoradh air rabhadh droch-shìde.

Fiosrachadh mu chosgaisean nam BPA air fhoillseachadh


Am fiosrachadh as ùire mu chosgaisean nam Ball air fhoillseachadh air-loidhne an-diugh

Inquiry into progress towards meeting the 2012 Homelessness Commitment


Progress made towards meeting the 2012 homelessness commitment in Scotland is to be examined in an inquiry by the Scottish Parliament’s Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee.

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